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Closed Création de comptes fournisseurs
retired / lima #89 · created by Eric Chatellier
impossible de créer un nouveau compte fournisseur, les existants ont été importés et sont issus du compte 4, sauf que pour créer un compte 401nnnnnn on doit d'abord créer un 40 puis 401. Ceci étant fa...
Closed Création d'un Numero de compte
retired / lima #80 · created by Eric Chatellier
Impossible de créer un compte Tiers, ex 401LENYB à partir des comptes 401. Le message d'erreur est le suivant "subledger must create on a account whithout subaccount" *(from redmine issue 412 created...
Open Scheduled Transactions
retired / lima #77 · created by Eric Chatellier
It should be great to implement a scheduled transaction system in order to make working with routine, repeating transactions easier *(from redmine issue 409 created on 2011-06-17)*
Closed Modify hibernate database creation mecanism
retired / lima #76 · created by Eric Chatellier
Currently, hibernate hbm2ddl is set to update which is wrong with topia. Remove it and test database creation. *(from redmine issue 408 created on 2011-06-10, closed on 2012-05-15)*
Closed La table des exercices et des périodes comptables est réordonnée à chaque modification
retired / lima #75 · created by Eric Chatellier
À chaque modification (ouverture/clôture), l'ordre des entrées des tables est modifié. *(from redmine issue 400 created on 2011-05-26, closed on 2011-05-27)*
Closed Fix jTimer site URL in « about »
chorem / jtimer #100 · created by Eric Chatellier
Configured URL in 1.4.3 is which produces a HTTP 404 *(from redmine issue 1188 created on 2015-03-03, closed on 2016-02-23)*
Closed Wrong website link on extension information
chorem / bow #73 · created by Eric Chatellier
Dans l'extension Bow sur Chrome et Chromium. Lors d'un clique droit sur l'icone de Bow, et qu'on clique ensuite sur "Extension pour BOW", on est redirectionné vers le site de Code Lutin. *(from redm...
Closed Add quote to escape ':' for solr
retired / wikitty #121 · created by Tony Chemit
When i try to store an WikittyI18n, i have this error : ERROR org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore - org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: org.apache.lucene.queryParser.ParseException: Cannot parse 'Wikitty...
Open Update java require to java 7
retired / jredmine #137 · created by Tony Chemit
A needs to use maven 3 API. *(from redmine issue 4025 created on 2016-09-12, closed on 2016-09-12)*
Open Update dependencies
retired / jredmine #136 · created by Tony Chemit .................................. 17.0 -> 19.0
commons-codec:commons-codec .............................. 1.9 -> 1.10
commons-io:commons-io ......................................
Open Use nuitonpom 10.3 + clean pom
retired / jredmine #135 · created by Tony Chemit
*(from redmine issue 4022 created on 2016-09-12, closed on 2016-09-12)*
Open Use maven 3.3.9 API instead of 2.2.1
retired / jredmine #134 · created by Tony Chemit
No difference for users, internal sutff. *(from redmine issue 4021 created on 2016-09-12, closed on 2016-09-12)*
Open Add a new mojo to generate a changelog.txt from the generated changes.xml
retired / jredmine #133 · created by Tony Chemit
The changelog.txt file can also be attached to the artifact, so you can reuse it after. *(from redmine issue 4020 created on 2016-09-12, closed on 2016-09-12)*
Closed Add a method to transform a PaginationResult
nuiton / nuiton-utils #314 · created by Tony Chemit
I'm currently using such method :
     * Creates an instance of PaginationResult transforming the given source using the given function
    public static  PaginationResult transform(...
Closed Add a method to build a PaginationResult from a full list of elements and an instance of PaginationParameter
nuiton / nuiton-utils #313 · created by Tony Chemit
*(from redmine issue 4052 created on 2016-09-30, closed on 2016-09-30)*
Closed Let PaginationParameter implement equals(...) and hashCode()
nuiton / nuiton-utils #312 · created by Tony Chemit
*(from redmine issue 4051 created on 2016-09-30, closed on 2016-09-30)*
Closed Add a static instance of PaginationParameter that represents "all elements"
nuiton / nuiton-utils #311 · created by Tony Chemit
*(from redmine issue 4050 created on 2016-09-30, closed on 2016-09-30)*
Closed BeanUtil.getWriteableProperties methods returns readable properties
nuiton / nuiton-utils #310 · created by Tony Chemit
*(from redmine issue 4041 created on 2016-09-22, closed on 2016-09-22)*
Closed Update librairies
nuiton / nuiton-csv #42 · created by Tony Chemit
   commons-beanutils:commons-beanutils ................... 1.9.2 -> 1.9.3
   commons-io:commons-io ..................................... 2.4 -> 2.5
   org.nuiton:nuiton-utils ...........................
Closed Update pom to 10.3
nuiton / nuiton-utils #309 · created by Tony Chemit
*(from redmine issue 4013 created on 2016-09-02, closed on 2016-09-02)*