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Closed Les rapports de facturation donnent des informations incohérentes
retired / chorem #81 · created by Eric Chatellier
*(from redmine issue 1313 created on 2016-02-05, closed on 2016-02-06)*
Closed régularisation lettrage incorrecte
retired / lima #386 · created by Eric Chatellier
lorsque je veux équilibrer une écriture, il créer une nouvelle transaction dans le journal de banque ce qui fausse la compta général de l'exercice puisque le journal de bq doit égal au relevé Crédit m...
Closed La sélection des comptes ne fonctionne pas
retired / lima #385 · created by Eric Chatellier
*(from redmine issue 1316 created on 2016-02-19, closed on 2016-07-07)*
Open Maintenir à jour les libs
retired / lima #383 · created by Eric Chatellier
*(from redmine issue 1314 created on 2016-02-19)*
Closed La clôture d'un exercice n’entraîne pas la clôture des périodes
retired / lima #382 · created by Eric Chatellier
*(from redmine issue 1312 created on 2016-01-20, closed on 2016-01-23)*
Closed Check the template directory exists (or create it at launch time ?)
chorem / jtimer #116 · created by Eric Chatellier
Each time I want to create a new task, I have this error in console:
2016/03/09 06:49:59 ERROR (org.chorem.jtimer.JTimerConfig:176) - Can't create backup
java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: /home/tche...
Closed Enable variable substitution at template applying
chorem / jtimer #104 · created by Eric Chatellier
As a v2 for #1319, it would be great that each defined variable in template is prompted to the user. Here is a sample based on the YAML proposal:
contract ${contract}:
Closed Add a way to create a tree structure from a template
chorem / jtimer #102 · created by Eric Chatellier
For each of our projects, we would like to use the same tree structure (with a lot of sub nodes...). Instead of creating each node, sub node n-times, it would be nice to reuse a tree structure templa...
Closed Add an option in generation screen to add sub node total time
chorem / jtimer #101 · created by Eric Chatellier
Given tree
 P (1h)
 ├── A (2h)
 ├── B (3h)
 └── C (4h)
Report should be with this new option:
 P (1h)   total 10h
 ├── A (2h) total (2+ total direct sub nodes of A)
 ├── B (3h) total (3+ total dir...
Closed Add report option to include intermediate total time
chorem / jtimer #91 · created by Eric Chatellier
This option permits to have total time of projects (if projects are not in root nodes in projects tree). *(from redmine issue 983 created on 2014-02-11, closed on 2014-02-11, duplicates #1318)*
Closed find pattern resources in ClassLoader instead of URLClassLoader
nuiton / nuiton-utils #96 · created by Tony Chemit
In 2.0 version, method getURLs(String pattern, URLClassLoader classLoader) can't be used with a basic ClassLoader. This signature should be changed to getURLs(String pattern, ClassLoader classLoader)...
Closed Updates to mavenpom 2.5
nuiton / nuiton-utils #95 · created by Tony Chemit
*(from redmine issue 1315 created on 2011-02-10, closed on 2011-02-10)*
Closed Hibernate mapping generation is wrong!
nuiton / topia #182 · created by Tony Chemit
When having a stereotype unique + tagvalue not-null on a entity property, then the generated code is for example :

this can not work... *(from redmine issue 1317 created on 2011-02-12, closed on...
Closed Updates to mavenpom 2.5
nuiton / i18n #69 · created by Tony Chemit
*(from redmine issue 1319 created on 2011-02-14, closed on 2011-02-14)*
Closed Try to make jsp parser more friendly
nuiton / i18n #68 · created by Tony Chemit
JSP files are not xml valid, if parser could try to make it a little easier to parse files, it would be great. *(from redmine issue 1318 created on 2011-02-14, closed on 2011-02-14)*