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Closed Task records time that doesn't show up in report
chorem / jtimer #94 · created by Eric Chatellier
I'm not sure how this happened, but I managed to get jTimer into a state there one of the tasks records time, but that time does not appear in the reports. If I edit a task and look a day, I can see t...
Closed Using version as a tag value of the properties file does NOT work
nuiton / topia #134 · created by Tony Chemit
C'est très génant car on est obligé de laisser cette tag-value dans le modèle xmi. Ce qui me dérange c'est que cette anomalie est déjà survenue, dite corrigée et en fait pas corrgié du tout. Merci à...
Closed Using version as a tag value of the properties file does NOT work
nuiton / eugene #93 · created by Tony Chemit
Resolved in eugene in fact (intercept the tag value on model and push the value in the version property of model), see the class org.nuiton.eugene.models.object.ObjectModelReader *(from redmine issue...